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Kaan Ege Önal
You‘re More than What They See in You
150 x 100 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas
Kaan Ege Önal
Save Me
80 x120 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas
Kaan Ege Önal
Get Out
80 x120 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas
Kaan Ege Önal
Be Respectful to Yourself
80x120 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas

Kaan Ege Önal
Don't Listen To Them"
80 x 120 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas
Kaan Ege Önal
Don't Let Them Win
80 x 100 cm
Mixed Media on Canvas

Kaan Ege Önal
Kaan Ege Önal
Don´t Look Closer
65 x 45 cm
Nails in Wood


I am finally home. It was a very stressful day, just like every other day lately. I just want to relax on the couch now. Maybe watch a little TV........ Click. "With one drop you can clean 40 plates instantl...", "You want to sell your car quickly? Or would like.....", "Nowadays it's hard to be a woman, but it’s easy to die as a woman. Today another woman has become a victim of domestic abuse. Alina M. was murdered today by her boyfriend M.A.", "A few days ago, on May 25th, a man was killed, his last words were I can't brea...", "Keith, who was ostracized by his family and friends because of his sexual orientation, was attacked in his house last night. Because of the noise, police were called to...", "When Elif, a third grade student, was on her way home from school at noon today. Hassan, a 68 year old man violently rape… "
We feel an initial shock of hearing such news, but will we change anything? Aesthetics is a drug with which you dream yourself away from reality. Here is the coffee. It's time to wake up. No more looking away, look straight at it. No more keeping silent, we need to talk about it. No more hesitating, act on it. I have built a mirror in which society confronts itself, without being under the capitalist influence of aesthetics. Systematic racism, sexism, gender discrimination, and xenophobia are entrenched in our society and our everyday lives for years. In my series, these injustices are put on display to evoke difficult but important discussions that will finally wake you up.

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